Do you dream of being a QNETPRO but don’t know where to start? Have you heard the word in your Presentacions and seen the hashtags on our socials but don’t know what it means? Then, this is for you. Read our QNETPRO 101 guide and learn what it means to be a QNETPRO, what QNET is offering in terms of support, and so much more.
1. What Is QNETPRO?
The Direct Selling industry is worth $186.1 billion worldwide and has 128.2 million independent representatives from over 170 countries as of 2021. It is one of the only industries in the world that grows year on year despite economic upheavals, including a global pandemic. And yet, it suffers from an unfair reputation with allegations of it being a scam. QNETPRO is a pledge that you make when you join QNET to practise direct selling transparently, ethically and professionally with the support of QNET. In this way, we can help clear false reputations of the industry and help more people improve their lives and livelihoods through direct selling with QNET.
2. QNET’s Commitment To Professional Marketing
QNET believes that it is our duty to be the voice for the direct selling industry. This includes educating, informing and training our independent distributors to uphold the highest standards while conducting their business. QNETPRO extends not just to our distributors, but also to QNET itself. We hold ourselves to working transparently and standardising our QNET Code of Ethics so we are giving everyone the best chance at legitimate success. We have also designed training programmes and online seminars to constantly raise awareness about QNETPRO on our social media channels. Here is some useful content to help you on your QNET Direct Selling journey.
- QNETPRO Videos
Watch our playlist of videos designed to help you understand the direct selling industry and answer any questions you might have about the QNET business opportunity.
- QNETPRO Training Presentation

Read the easy-to-understand and most updated version of our Policies and Procedures and Code of Ethics that includes Do’s and Don’ts and 10 golden rules to live by.
- QNETPRO Handbook

Download our QNETPRO booklet which is a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about professional marketing. It includes tips on dealing with negative people as well as interviews with QNET VIPs that will help you on your journey to success in QNET.
3. The QNETPRO Pledge
Every QNET Distributor knows that their commitment to professional marketing is what defines their success. By being a role-model direct seller, you encourage your team to practise the right behaviours which will lead to their success as well as yours. Here are a few things our QNETPROs practice as they do their business with QNET.
- They Don’t Lie About The QNET Opportunity
Drumming up QNET and the direct selling opportunity into something it is not is not a good way to build your business. As a QNETPRO, you have facts and figures on your side, and you make sure whoever you sign up understands that any success is based on their own performance.
- They Don’t Lie About Financial Rewards
While showing people just how much they can achieve through QNET, QNETPROs do not mislead them about the financial rewards. It’s a surefire way to lose someone’s trust and leave them with a bitter experience with QNET.
- They Don’t Lie About Products And Services
A QNETPRO knows the ins and outs of their favourite QNET Products so that their passion shines through when they make recommendations. You would never exaggerate what a product or service can and cannot do, no matter how tempting it is.
- They Don’t Use Force Or Coerce People Into Joining
QNETPROs understand the word ‘no’ and do not force someone to buy into an idea that they don’t believe in. They respect other people’s opinions and accept a ‘no’ with grace.
- They Don’t Use QNET Images That Are Not Approved
They understand that editing QNET images, brochures, flyers or even creating their own website and marketing materials without the permission of QNET is not okay. QNETPROs only use approved and official content, and when in doubt, they ask QNET for clarity.
4. Big Mistakes You Could Be Making In Direct Selling
Your sustained success at QNET could be hindered by these faux pas that sabotage your path to success. Being a QNETPRO means that you DON’T make these mistakes while direct selling with QNET.
- Overselling Products
Over-inflating the benefits of a QNET product or opportunity is a big no-no. When you are presenting the opportunity, be truthful and give them all the information they need to make an informed decision. Don’t drown them in too much info either.
- Inconsistent Stories
Changing stories or messaging every time you talk to someone is not a very QNETPRO way to do things. Successful businesses require a level of trust. The best way to do that is to have consistent messages with whomever you talk to.
- Spreading Negativity
Being negative really brings the mood down in a business that’s spreading positivity and changing lives around the world. Look at the bright side of things and your team will flourish.
- Stealing Distributors
Be professional in your dealings with other direct sellers, whether they work for QNET or another company. Do not try to take them away from other teams and businesses.
- Taking Advantage Of People
Always be aware that you are treating the people around you with respect and kindness. Don’t take advantage of people’s vulnerabilities for personal or professional gain.
- Jumping From One Direct Selling Company To Another
Going from one direct selling company to the other to try and game your way to success has never really worked. All it shows is your inconsistency and your unpreparedness in dealing with any challenges.
“People will have all kinds of opinions about everything as if they know everything. I believe we need to verify and find facts, rather than go by people’s opinion.” – V Partner Sachin Gupta
5. Social Media Personas You Should Avoid Being

Certain things you do online could put people off from talking to you or wanting to know more. Here are some social media personas you should avoid being at all costs. After all, your social media etiquette determines whether people continue to follow you or mute you.
- The Ninja
This person is a master at sneak attacks who promises you great riches in vague terms. They avoid using the term direct selling and network marketing, and will dodge any questions about the name of the company.
- The Over-Sharer
This person is addicted to the reshare button on all their social media accounts. Most of the time, they don’t even read what they’re sharing, as long as they like the title of the article.
- The Spammer
They tag you in every single post they make, even if it’s irrelevant to you. They don’t realise they’re being a nuisance but they will share whatever they’re interested in non-stop.
- The Sales Slug
This person is like a walking-talking advertisement. No matter what topic you try to engage them in, they’ll try to bring up their business. Everything is a sales plug.
- The Riding A High Horse Guy
This person believes that they and only they are right. They are condescending and believe they are superior to you. They believe that their way is the only way and will tell you that to your face.
6. How To Communicate Like A QNETPRO
Successful QNET Distributors have a few key features that distinguish them from others. For one, they have a thriving business because they refused to take shortcuts and always did business the professional way, no matter how long or hard the road to success was. But the most striking feature of QNETPROs is the way they communicate. Here are some communication habits QNETPRO follows in their day-to-day.
- They Respect People’s Right To Privacy
You won’t find QNETPROs badgering people who say no until they say yes. Instead, they respect people’s privacy, their choices and are always respectful of when to make calls and when not to disturb others’ personal time.
- They Don’t Bully Or Emotionally Blackmail
A QNETPRO doesn’t believe in being aggressive or abusive towards prospects. You won’t find them emotionally blackmailing people into the business or losing their temper at rejections.
- They Are Transparent And Have No Hidden Agenda
QNETPROs know that they don’t need to exaggerate the merits of the business. They are living proof of success, and love and use the wide range of exclusive, life-enhancing products that QNET provides.
- They Present Themselves As Professionals
They know the importance of personal image when it comes to making a good impression. And so, they dress to impress, they use professional language, and their posture screams “I am a success”
- They Are Strict Followers Of Laws
Whether it is local laws or company laws, everything they do is strictly within the law. They always make sure they follow the provisions within the rules as they know that their success is only worth it when done the right way.
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