Do you want to live forever, or at least very healthily for a very long time?
Well, the people of Okinawa, a Japanese prefecture comprising 160 islands, already do. Scientists believe that that fact isn’t only down to genetics, the environment and lifestyle choices — it’s also due to the food they eat. Enter Kenta, an all-natural beverage inspired by the Okinawan way of life.
Clean Eating
Known to some as the Ryūkyūan diet, traditional Okinawan cuisine is comprised mainly of sweet potato, leafy green or root vegetables, soy and other legumes. This, research has found, is why Okinawans don’t just live long lives but are also extremely healthy well into old age.
In a nutshell, Okinawan culture views food as medicine. Hence, over countless generations, the prefecture’s inhabitants have learnt to identify and consume food that brings the most benefit.

This explains why meals there tend to be packed with whole, nutrient-dense, high-antioxidant foods. And it also sheds light on why, with the exception of uji or sugarcane, potentially harmful ingredients like sugar are largely missing.
Still, there is one minor issue with the Okinawan diet — it’s hard to stick with over a long period.
Fortunately, Kenta, the delicious and natural anti-ageing beverage from QNET’s LifeQode range of health supplements, offers a solution.
Live Long and Prosper with Kenta
See, our bodies need a specific amount of somatotropin or human growth hormone (HGH) to aid muscle growth, protect against diseases and ensure long and healthy lives. What Kenta does is naturally stimulate our pituitary glands to produce more HGH.
How does it do that?
Simple. Kenta is formulated from four main ingredients — natto (fermented soybeans), miso (fermented soy paste), satsumaimo (Japanese sweet potato) and mochi (fermented sweet sticky rice). Science confirms that all of these staples of the Okinawan diet can trigger positive physical responses to aid HGH production.
Take soy, for instance. A key ingredient in Okinawan cuisine, the molecules in soy encourage the body’s endocrine system to balance hormones naturally. Studies have found that this isn’t only good for metabolism and weight management but also for lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Satsumaimo or Japanese sweet potatoes, meanwhile, serve up another example.
Super low in fat, high in fibre and containing zero cholesterol, these sweet and starchy spuds are naturally great for those intent on maintaining a healthy weight. What’s perhaps even better is that satsumaimo is loaded with B vitamins, which are crucial for energy production and maintaining excellent brain and nervous system function.
Incidentally, Kenta’s unique formulation is also geared towards improving one’s mood, memory, concentration and sleep, enhancing skin health by reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and helping boost vitality, stamina, flexibility and quicker muscle recovery.
It also contains no animal derivatives and has no artificial flavours, colouring, preservatives or genetically modified ingredients.
Cup of Life
Importantly, too, Kenta is easy to consume. Simply mix a sachet into 120ml of water and drink it before dinner for five consecutive days, followed by two rest days. Plus, it’s safe!

The only folks who should avoid consuming Kenta are those allergic to soy proteins, rice and/or sweet potato. Even so, please consult a doctor beforehand if you are or think you may be pregnant, lactating or on any prescribed medications.
That said, if you’re 25 years of age or over, generally in good health and want to stay young and strong for longer, you should certainly look to sustain your physical well-being with a supplement like Kenta.
True, it may not be possible to live forever. But we can all strive to live fuller and ultimately healthier lives.
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