Sapphire Star Prajna Mallur is a QNET Success Story six years in the making. Hailing from a middle class conservative Indian family, Prajna followed the traditional path by gaining an engineering degree and working as a consultant for a multinational IT company. She heard of QNET from fellow IT professionals which boosted her confidence in the direct selling industry. She earned her first cheque within a week but it took her six-seven months of consistent hard work to be successful in the long run.
Facing Challenges Head On

Prajna Mallur worked hard every step of her way to the QNET Achievers’ Club as a Sapphire Star. Some of her hardest challenges were trying to convince her parents about the future of the direct selling industry. She faced fears of losing her credibility and confidence in the low times in her business, especially when people doubted the legitimacy of QNET, which she overcame by earning money regularly and using that as proof to her family and friends. She also made strong commitments to her team and prospects and vouched for QNET personally. When she faced challenges of building a team and maintaining their continuous performance, she reached out for the help and support of her inner circle of mentors, uplines and friends.
“My uplines Raghunandan, V Council Member Shamseer Kareem and AVP Nasib BR supported me through all my challenges, keeping me positive all the time, and pushing me to work harder and keep improving. My guardian angel VP V Padma changed my life by giving me access to her mentorship during a time when I was facing challenges. I also leaned on my childhood best friend Divya and my husband Manoj who were my partners through thick and thin. They believed in me and my capabilities, which gave me the courage to go after my dreams and keep moving forward no matter the challenges. Through QNET, I was able to gain the confidence to live life to the fullest and to make my dreams come true no matter how big those dreams felt. I learnt that with QNET, the sky is the limit.”
Finding The Motivation For Rank Advancement

Sapphire Star Prajna Mallur says that she finds her motivation by thinking about her “why” – which is her parents’ happiness and not having to worry about finances. Wanting to make her dad proud of her and her financial success is exactly the kind of motivation that she needed to keep going. Prajna believes that it takes proper planning to achieve Sapphire Star as well as self-belief. Her long-term goal is to become a V Council Member or even a V Partner.
When asked for advice for QNET Distributors who want to be like her, she said that we need to try harder to be a part of the QNET Achievers’ Club. She believes that once you get into that elite club, you will find all the motivation and energy to keep you on your toes and keep rising higher and higher. Her secret to success is in believing. She advises everyone to believe in themselves “Believe you can do it, believe you deserve it, believe you will get it – and see your dreams become reality.”
The best network marketing company in the world success is clear I will do this business to my last breath I will still do it
The QNet very very nice
I am ready start business
Give me idea
Amazing testimony dear
Keep it up
See you at the top
QNET is very nice
Qnet is the most amazing network marketing company ever on the planet. Qnet is in my DNA. God bless the founders: Dato Sri-vi-jah Eswan, and the Bismark the dream Joseph japadas.
The best company around the globe
Alhamdulillah we are in Qnet